Porcelain Painting -- My puppy


Dogs and cats are often on the wish list for patterns.


One day I found a picture of a puppy in the internet.  I was charmed by the cute puppy and decided to try to paint it. 


I sketched the image onto porcelain.  Colours were all the different shades of brown from quite pale to very dark brown.  I used yellow brown as a base colour for the body.  The chin is very light, almost white. The top of the head and ears, I painted with rich brown.  The bases for the blanket I painted with pale blue.


For the second fire and third fire, I darkened the colour of the fur with yellow brown, and added some rich brown onto the shaded areas, without forgetting the highlight.  I used fan brush aids when painting the fur of the puppy.  I further emphasized the ears with dark brown and a touch of black.  I left the background white.


The last firing, I did the gold rim.


Hope you enjoy viewing this work.


瓷畫訂製 -- 彩虹巨嘴鳥


你知道嗎,巨嘴鳥的大嘴有一個特殊用途,在熱天高溫環境下可幫助它們降溫。巨嘴鳥的喙表層有很多血管流經,因此這種鳥的嘴巴適合作為一種釋放熱量,保持體溫穩定的方法。因為巨嘴鳥跟其他鳥類一樣不會出汗,因此這可能是它們控制體溫的一種有效方法。科學家認為,巨嘴鳥通過喙釋放的熱量是它靜止時產生的熱量的 4 倍,這比大象耳朵的散熱效果更加有效。




局部做了幾個特殊效果:中間背景直接用 Liquid Bright Gold penwork ,這部分花了不少時間,因為 LBG 最好下筆一次成功,修改易留痕跡,或者金液濃度不夠,燒完後會變成黑黑的;加上 gold brush 的筆桿有點細,握久了手都快抽筋了。


上方及左側的葉子先用 raised paste 做立體效果,燒過後分別再用金、銀裝飾。










彩虹巨嘴鳥(Ramphastos sulfuratus),是南美洲一種色彩鮮艷的巨嘴鳥,貝里斯的國鳥,主要分佈在墨西哥南部至委內瑞拉及哥倫比亞。棲息在熱帶、亞熱帶及低地雨林的冠層,最高達至海拔 1900。色彩鮮艷的喙長 12 -15 厘米,約佔全長的三分之一。雖然其喙似乎很大及笨重,但骨骼是呈海綿狀及中空,並由角質素所覆蓋。喙表面呈綠色,尖端紅色,兩側橙色。