

連明清 林淑蓮精緻瓷畫師生聯展
展期: 4/17(五)~5/6(三)地點:彰化藝術館 彰化市中山路2段542號
時間: 週二~週五、週日 09:00~18:30 週六09:00~21:00

Art Challenge~ Day 5 精緻瓷畫 翠鳥與玫瑰

Day 5 Art challenge, kingfishers and double roses.

There are roughly 90 species of kingfisher. This sparrow-sized bird has the typical short-tailed, large-headed kingfisher profile; it has blue upperparts, orange underparts and a long bill. It feeds mainly on fish, caught by diving, and has special visual adaptions to enable it to see prey under water.

I would like to thank my friend for nominating me to share my artworks.  It's a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig challenge for me to put photos during 5 days. 

Finally, I finished.

Art Challenge ~ day 4 精緻瓷畫 ~ 蘭花

Day 4 Art challenge, how about enjoy the 3 pieces of Orchids.
Orchids are very popular in Taiwan.  A variety of strains and wonderful colors.

Art Challenge ~ Day 3 Penguins 精緻瓷畫 ~ 企鵝

Day 3 Art challenge.

Today it is penguins. The first one is done with lustre and metallics on the rim. The rest are done with open medium.
I really love to paint them.

Art Challenge~ Day 2 精緻瓷畫 ~ 3件風景畫

Day 2 Art challenge, 3 pieces of seascapes.

I has learnt the new techniques from Paula White last year. I thank Paula White for the lesson she has taught me. Also Thank FPPAC Taiwan for holding the landscape seminar in Taipei.

I would like to thank my friend for nominating me for the 3 pieces during 5 days. Since my artworks are painted on porcelain , I would like to nominate all those artists in Taiwan keeping the techniques alive.

Art Challenge ~ Day 1 精緻瓷畫 ~ 麥森風格 3 件作品 (Dresden)

這陣子臉書興起了 Art Challenge 遊戲,遊戲規則是每天介紹 3 件作品,並推薦一位藝術家接龍,為期5天。我被好友點到了,開始為期 5 天的作品分享。


這是我的第 1 天 :
I would like to thank my friend for nominating me for the 3 pieces for 5 days.  Since my artworks are painted on porcelain , I would like to nominate all those artists in Taiwan keeping the techniques alive.

Day 1 Art challenge, to start with 3 pieces that will take you back to Dresden.